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945-232-0166 dallaseverestlions@gmail.com


“Leadership, Experience, Opportunity.” That’s what makes a Leo. Members of Leo clubs embody the best qualities of our incredible organization. They are devoted young people who realize the power of action. Together, Leos and Lions form a powerful partnership — one of mutual respect where Lions learn from the innovative insights of Leos, and where Leos gain access to the proven strategies of those who’ve successfully served the world for decades.

Why Choose Leos?

There are a lot of ways people can give back to their community — but being a Leo is much more than just service. Choosing Leo clubs will help you grow as an individual and as a leader as you join a global family of young people making the world a better place. If you’re interested in joining a Leo club, use our Club Locator to find a local Leo club near you.

Developing Leaders

Leos have many leadership opportunities, including the ability to serve as Leo officers in their clubs, districts, and multiple districts through annual elections. Lions International offers resources for Leos looking to grow their impact as project organizers, motivators, and leaders of their peers. There are also in-person Lions Leadership Institutes and online courses through the Lions Learning Center that Leos can access.

Leo Club Program Advisory Panel

Leos and Lions can also share their ideas and represent Leos at the Constitutional Area (CA) level through the Leo Club Advisory Panel. Representatives are composed of two Lions and two Leos from each CA who attend monthly web meetings with Lions International Staff and create resources through committees. These dedicated Lions and Leos help to craft the future of the program and generate resources designed to increase the impact of the Leo Club Program.